Thursday, April 25, 2013

Abstinence vs Sex-education

Each year, U.S. teens experience as many as 850,000 pregnancies, and youth under age 25 experience about 9.1 million sexually transmitted infections (STIs)”. So in a society where teen age pregnancy is increasing rapidly and sexually transmitted diseases are spreading like wildfire why aren’t we teaching kids abstinence and to wait for the right moment?  Instead we have this twisted excuses “kids will be kids and they’ll have sex any way". Anyone can agree having no sex is the safest of all so why aren’t we stressing it enough? Even though some people who support safe sex –education believe abstinence is the right and safest things for teens they claim that it is not effective enough. So in this case we compromise the truth because our society is felling to teach kids right from wrong. If we believe something is right shouldn't we support it regardless of the outcome?


  1. I agree too many young girls are getting pregnant, and society needs to do something about instead of complaining about it. They need to promote safe sex is NO sex! Have more programs for them so they can be inform and aware about these issues.

  2. f a survey were to be carried out to discover the most thought-about and talked-about thing in the world, we may find that it is 'sex', closely trailed by 'money'.
