In class we discussed about bullying. Bullying has been one
of the main issues in school now days. Kids/teens are being harassed and made
fun their looks, ethnics, choice of style or other reasons. I believe kids
become bully when something in their life is not complete or they are not
secure enough so they feel the need to put others down in orders for them to
feel secure;which is totally wrong and immature.School should be a safe place where everyone can come
together and learn new things and have fun. Everyone should welcome one another
and be friendly and encouraging . Just because they don’t look the
same or like the same things it doesn’t mean they should be bullied. Everyone should embrace their difference. Our difference
is what makes us unique and set us apart from one another. After all ““You don’t get harmony when everybody sings the same note.”
When everyone is different we all have different things to offer.
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